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Algunas chicas


Cuando arreciaba la tormenta punk que presumía de renovar el rock con su vuelta a lo básico, muchos grupos consagrados fueron empujados hacia los márgenes del canon, con la excusa de que se habían transformado en viejos patéticos. Mick Jagger y Keith Richards tenían 35 años y eso era ser muy viejos ante los 22 de Johnny Rotten. Entonces, los Stones asestaron este golpe de frescura insolente que fue el disco Some girls. Nadie supo mejor que ellos insuflarle negritud y neoyorkismo y contemporaneidad a la música popular. Ahora, muchos años después (exactamente 33, con Jagger y Richards al borde de la cuarta edad) todos estamos un poco hartos de las demostraciones atléticas de Mick. Pero Some girls sigue sonando formidable, un clásico moderno, un disco con una fuerza y frescura que no es fácil encontrar en los discos grabados este último año. Some girls se acaba de reeditar con sonido remasterizado, más (he aquí una noticia grande) la edición De Luxe viene con un volumen 2 con temas descartados en su momento, hasta ahora no editados oficialmente (algunos eran conocidos por ediciones piratas), con pistas de guitarra y voces añadidas ahora. Y uno se maravilla de lo buenos que eran aquellos temas que los Stones se daban el lujo de descartar, que hoy consagrarían como grandes estrellas a cualquier banda  novata.

Dentro del volumen dos, deslumbra, entre varias otras gemas, este "No spare parts". 

Daddy drunk, daddy drunk himself to death
When he was thirty-five years old
Left five daughters An' book 'em on the Cayman row
Put 'em down an' left an' he left all pain to me
An' a pullin' outta Dallas
An' the dirt back in Tennessee

So I called big sister on the telephone
I said how y'all down there in 'ere call t'home
Girl you won't starve for fortune and fame
To earn big money in Dallas and make her name

Lonely hearts
They're just made to break
There ain't no spare parts
Ain't no oil to change

Honey, I ain't accustomed to lose
If I want somethin' bad
I always find a way to get thru

I tell ya somethin'
I ain't accustomed t'lose
If I want somethin' bad enough
I always find a way to get thru

Lonely hearts
They're just made to break
There ain't no spare parts
Ain't no oil to change

I could be there Thanksgiving afternoon
With a turkey in m'hand
And ah oughta buy a bottle o' boo'
I took a short cut about a quarter down
The turnpike road
And I'll fill 'er up with gas
Ah'm a fill 'er 'bout San Antone
An' I'll make it t'Dallas 'bout a quarter pa'half past three
Just another 30 miles
On the road back to 443

You know, lonely hearts
They're just made to break
There ain't no spare parts
There ain't no oil to change

I tell ya
I ain't accustomed to lose
If I want somethin' bad enough
I always find a way to get it, baby
Including you

I tell ya something
I ain't ever gonna lose
If I want somethin' bad enough
I always find a way to get it, baby
Including you

I could be there Thanksgiving afternoon
If I start off now put my foot down the floor, damn too

I spoke to big sister on the telephone
She said come on big brother
Why don't you come on back home

I said, lonely hearts
They're just made to break
There ain't no spare parts
Aint' no oil to change

I tell ya, honey
I ain't accustomed to lose
If I want somethin' bad enough
I always find a way to get it, mmmmm
Talkin ' bout you

If I want somethin' bad enough
I always find a way to get it Don't I?

If I want somethin' bad enough
I always find a way to get it Don't I?

If I want somethin' strong enough
I always find a way to get it

Baby! Shoo-gahh!
Ahhhh, yah, yah, yah

Tell ya somethin', babe
I ain't accustomed to lose

If I want somethin' bad enough
I always find a way to get it

If I want somethin' bad enough
I always find a way to get it

Lonely hearts
They're just made to break
There ain't no spare parts
There ain't no oil to change

Lonely hearts
They're just made to break
Ain't no spare parts
There ain't no oil to change

Now, I'm, I'm a-comin' back
Comin' back a'home Thursday afternoon
If I don't tumble down hard
Really like a way to get thru.

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